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Upcoming Dates & Registration

Workshop 1 - Summer Global Cohort

10, 12, 17, 19, 24, 26 June


3:00-4:30 p.m. ET Online
Workshop 2 - Summer Global Cohort


8, 10, 15, 17, 22, 24 July

3:00-4:30 p.m. ET Online
Workshop 3 - Summer Global Cohort

5, 7, 12, 14,19, 21 August


3:00-4:30 p.m. ET  Online

To earn the TESOL SWEL certificate, participants must complete all three workshops: the SWEL Professional Development Workshop, the SWEL Contextual Language Workshop, and the SWEL Coaching Workshop & SWEL Administrators' Workshop.

If you can't make all of the live sessions, you'll be able to watch the recordings.

US$2,165 - TESOL Member Rate 
US$2,313 - Nonmember Rate

Read about our Registration and Refund Policies.


The complete SWEL certificate series online!

ESSER Funding

Do you have ESSER funds to spend? SWEL workshops are an allowable use! TESOL and NAELPA conducted an ESSER webinar in May 2023 that explains how ESSER funds can be used. You can view the slides and this funding chart.

School, Regional, or State Group Pricing

For district pricing, please contact

The SWEL Certificate Workshop Series and SWEL Extensions can be facilitated online, in-person, or as a combination of modalities. 

If you have questions, please contact us.

Read about our Registration & Return Policy.

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